How do we deliver sustainble buildings?
(Updated July 2022) Looking at the built environment, it not only contributes the largest amount of greenhouse gas emissions, but also consumes a third of our water and generates 40% of our waste. These figures have prompted such standards as Green Star and the WELL Building Standards.
We’re currently working with CMC Markets Stockbroking and their move to Tower 3 of Barangaroo which has a 5 star Green Star building rating. They’re looking to implement a 6 star Green Star interiors rating. To achieve this we’ve had to work closely with not only the builders to ensure the approved materials are being used to construct the space, but also acoustic consultants, lighting engineers and ergonomists. To ensure the rating is reached, we’ve chosen certified and accredited (where possible local) finishes, furniture and lighting whilst also providing greenery, the correct waste management, social interaction spaces, quiet rooms and ensuring that each employee has a view out of the office.
Sustainable design looks at the way buildings are designed, constructed and operated through concepts such as emissions, energy, management, water, innovation, materials, nourishment, comfort and waste. These ideas look to revolutionise the way people think about buildings. It explores how design, operations and behaviours within these spaces represent the future of modern design and look to advance human health and well-being.